Friday, January 30, 2015

Become an ed tech ninja with your friends

Technological change evolves much faster than institutional change can keep pace, so we need a way to learn in a way that fits our busy lives.  Your teacher feedback has shown this to be the case, and you are looking for a way to quickly collaborate and share ideas in an organized way.

This video will show you how to use Bedford's Ed Tech blog the post and comment on your ed tech successes and challenges.

Your posts do not need to be formal.  The idea is that you have a place to quickly share thoughts and ideas when it is convenient for your schedule.  You are extremely busy and getting everyone together for a regular meeting may not be realistic, so a blog like this is ideal in this situation.

Using video, images, audio and links can greatly enhance your ideas.  Most people agree that face-to-face collaboration is the most desirable way to work as a team, but adding something like a short video explanation can get us pretty close.

If you can think of Blogger, Youtube, Facebook, Google, etc. as the modern versions of the slide-rule, abacus, pencil, paper, etc., we can accomplish great things while keeping pace with the way the world works today.  

Our students desperately need us to help them navigate the wide open world of technology.  If we can help our students to avoid getting lost in all of the garbage out there, we can show them how to use technology to love to become creators of information instead of consumers.

A great place for us to start would be to sign up to follow this blog from the "Follow by email" box in the upper-right corner of this page.  Then I would recommend finding a couple of other blogs that interest you to follow by email.  In this way, you will get frequent updates of other teachers' thoughts and experiences which can provide great motivation and inspiration for your classroom.

Here are a couple to start with:

All Bedford school teachers have been invited to be an author on this blog.  If you can't find it in your email, send a request to  If you are not a Bedford school teacher and would like contribute a post to this blog, contact our tech team at to be added as an author.

Tools used to create this post:

update: it appears that we are only allowed 100 authors per blog, so if you didn't receive an invitation and would like to post, let me know and we'll make it work.  :)

Monday, January 5, 2015