Creating and Sharing a Template
For this example, we will assume that you have created a template for students to use. Click here for a "bad paragraph" template to work with. Once opened, make a copy of the document (File -> Make a Copy).Note: If you would like to create a document from scratch, when logged into your Google Drive, click the red Create button, then select Document, but for this exercise we will assume you are using the template provided in the link from the previous paragraph.1) To share with your real or pretend student, or your teacher buddy that is learning this with you, click the Share button.
2) Select "Can view" and enter the email addresses of the people you would like to share it with. Selecting "Can view" makes it so your student can make a copy of your template, but will not be able to make changes to your original document.
3) If you would like to send your students a message with this shared document, click the "Add message" button, add your message, then click Send.
Your students now have a template of your document to work with.
Making Comments and Corrections
Using the "bad paragraph" document you have been using, lets look at how easy it is to make comments on your students assignment. Let's assume that your student has followed the instructions in the document, and has submitted to you the bad paragraph for your review by sharing the document with you.
To make a comment, simply select the section of text that needs to be commented on, click the Comments button, then click Comment.
Enter your comment, and click Comment.
It will then appear on the right side. You can enter as many comments as are necessary.
To see your comments, your student will just click on each area of highlighted text. They can make the corrections and/or comment to each of your comments.
Add Audio Comments - Intermediate
So you want to take it to the next level and add audio comments do you? Well played!1) From your big red Create button menu, click Connect more apps.
2) Search the word "voice" and hit Enter. There are more than one voice comments apps out there, but I have tested Kaizena and it works well. Click the Connect button next to your desired voice comments app (Mine says "rate it," because I have already connected the app to my Google Drive).
3) From your Google Drive list of documents, Ctrl-click (right-click) on the file you would like to make comments on. Select Open With -> Kaizena.
You can now make audio, text, and linked comments in a similar fashion as the built-in comment function. Watch this video to see it in action.
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