If you want to add a rotating image slideshow on your Google site a quick way is to add the Slideshow Maker gadget. The first thing to do is follow the link below to the Slideshow Maker Template I have created below. Copy the template by selecting "File" and then "Make a Copy" so you can edit it and add your own photos. When using the template do not move the blue frame! This is very important or your final project will not be correct. Delete my photo from the slide. From there insert one of your photos to the first slide. Control click the photo and select Order, then Send to Back. This will put your photo behind the frame. Move, crop or shrink the photo so the image you want on the final product is visible inside the frame. Again, don't move the frame over the picture, move the picture behind the frame. Duplicate the slide and repeat the process above. Continue with this until you have all the photos for your slideshow in the presentation.
Now select File and then Publish to the Web. Decide how quickly you want the slides to change, then select Start the Slideshow and Restart the Slideshow so the photos automatically play and continue to cycle the entire time the page is open. Next, select Publish. Google has created a link to your presentation. Copy the link.
Go to your Google Site, it can be accessed from the main school webpage. At the very bottom of the home page, select the grey square with a purple top. Navigate to the website you have access to edit and select the editing tool (pencil). When you are in the editing mode for your web page go to Insert and select More Gadgets. From there select Slideshow Maker and then click the Select button. Paste the link from your Google Presentation where is says Link to Presentation. Change the Background color from "white" to Hex Colour Code for our website 003965. Under the Display header change the Width to 700 pixels (select the drop down and move it from percent to pixels) and Height to 300 pixels. Unselect Include a border, unselect Display title. Click the green Save button. Finally, click OK.
What you will see on your website looks like a white box. If you hover the mouse over the box a small tool bar will appear. From it you can adjust what side of the page the slideshow is on and by selecting the gear you can get back to make adjustments to side or color or change what presentation link is in the slideshow.
Finally, save the webpage and you will be able to see your live slideshow!
Slideshow Maker Template
Beautifully done! Check out Peggy's slideshow here http://www.bedford.k12.ia.us/activities/fine-arts/band/high-school-band.